Welcome to Cradle Meditation

A tantric meditation technique developed during the covid pandemic lockdown by an engineer made redundant and living on a houseboat on the Thames.

Website guide


This website introduces Xav Hupeut and his book on a new tantric meditation.

Target Readership

The pragmatic approach of an engineer demystifies some of the esoteric and debunks some of the myths.
People who may benefit from the book include:

  • Newcomers to meditation may enjoy the different approach options and find that tangible results can be achieved.
  • The curious
  • Sceptics may enjoy the no-nonsense perspectives of an engineer on a spiritual journey
  • Experienced practitioners may learn new techniques to access more profound relaxation and disconnection from the body.

Why Meditate?

Maybe you can find the space between all the stuff that fills and overwhelms your life.

What is Tantra?

Tantric practices can include yoga and meditation and aim to generate energetic sensations in the body.

The Author is an Engineer!?

Aussie-born working in the UK, Xav Hupeut took the pandemic as an opportunity to pause career and meditate every day. Avoiding research, his book is based almost entirely on his insights and experiences during the lockdowns and isolation.

The Book needs pictures and Audio!!

The book is available and these companion pages provide images and structure to aid the reader.